Online Orders
Grades 2 -5
Over 96 pages of answers to, “Are we there yet?”
The first in MidRun Press state-themed puzzle series, our Maine puzzle book is now in its fifth printing and still in demand with teachers, parents, grandparents and kids! Test your knowledge of life the way it should be through original crosswords, logic games, secret codes, mazes, dot games and more of:
Project Puffin
Acadia National Park
Official Maine state symbols
Mapping Maine
Tide pools
Important Maine rivers
Moosehead and Sebago Lakes
Exciting museums
Ski slopes
Famous Mainers
Bar Harbor and Penobscot Bay
Blueberry recipes and more!
Grades 2 -5
Over 96 pages of answers to, “Are we there yet?”
Here is an entertaining way for kids to discover the unique culture, history, people and geography of Massachusetts. Original crosswords, logic games, secret codes and mazes explore:
Boston Harbor
Dr. Seuss
Quabbin Reservoir
Freedom Trail
Historic Deerfield
Exciting museums
Sports teams
Important rivers
Cape Cod
Cranberry recipes
New Bedford
Boston molasses flood
Old Granary Burial Ground and more!
Grades 2 -5
Over 96 pages of answers to, “Are we there yet?”
Connecticut is the third state in the series of state puzzle books written by a mother on a mission. When Jane Smolik was looking for a fun, educational puzzle book that would teach her children about her beloved New England, all she could find were mass-produced books. Not good enough. Through original mazes, word searches, criss crosses, logic games, dot games and more discover:
The Amistad
Thimble Islands
Long Island Sound
Nathan Hale
America’s first cookbook
Noah Webster
Exciting museums
Mystic Seaport
Famous Connecticut philanthropists
Nutmeg recipes
Litchfield Hills
Official Connecticut state symbols
Lake Candlewood
Connecticut legends
Important Connecticut rivers and more!
Grades 2 -5
Over 96 pages of answers to, “Are we there yet?”
This is the fourth in our series of state puzzle books that prove learning doesn’t have to be boring. Here are just a sample of the original puzzles and line drawings that explore:
Mount Washington
Great North Woods
Lakes Region
Strawbery Banke
David Thomson
The Isles of Shoals
Seacoast Area
McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center
Famous “Graniteers”
Lake Winnipesaukee
Covered bridges
Famous authors
Read about Dixville Notch and then ‘Vote Early”!
Wholesale Inquiries Welcome. Please contact us for more information.